Adventures from the North Pole

Questions & Answers with Father Christmas

June 06, 2024 Father Christmas Season 1 Episode 9

Message Father Christmas

Have you ever wondered how Father Christmas manages to deliver presents to millions of children around the world in just one night? Prepare to be enchanted as we uncover the magical history and fascinating logistics behind the legend of Father Christmas. From his origins as the Yule Father in the 10th century to the influence of Saint Nicholas and his modern-day persona, we explore the evolution of this beloved character. We also dive into the world of his helpers, where elves like Yale, Ladham, and Emberley craft magical keys, and Lenny, the master wrapping elf, ensures every gift is beautifully wrapped.

Get ready to be amazed as we reveal the secrets of Father Christmas’s incredible sleigh technology and the tireless efforts of his reindeer and elite elves, the "geese". Learn about the Reindeer Dust Drive (RDD) and the Temporal Adjustment Module (TAM) that make global gift delivery possible, stretching what seems like one night into a magical 24-day operation. You’ll gain a new appreciation for the intricate blend of ancient magic and advanced technology that keeps the spirit of Christmas alive for children all over the world. Tune in for an episode that will fill your heart with wonder and joy!

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Wifi the Elf:

Coming to you again from the reindeer outpost Now. I hope you're all very, very well Now. I've asked Father Christmas whether we can answer some of your questions today, because you've been sending some lovely questions and I thought it would be good fun to get some answers. How does that sound Right? Let's go over to Father Christmas and we'll ask you the questions. Hello, father Christmas.

Father Christmas:

How are you?

Wifi the Elf:

Very well. Thank you, father Christmas. It's great to speak to you. We've got some questions from the children. If I can ask one for you?

Father Christmas:

Absolutely Wi-Fi. Let's go ahead. What's the first question?

Wifi the Elf:

So the first question comes from a little girl in Brazil and she says why do some people call you Santa and other people call you Father, christmas and other names as well?

Father Christmas:

Well, that's a great question there, wi-fi. So let me tell you a little story. Long before people really knew about me, and before they knew the name Father Christmas, I used to walk around and up near the North Pole and go along to lots of winter festivals. Now it was around the 10th century, during the time when lots of things were happening across Europe. I was often called Yule Father and I used to bring joy when there was feasts, and these used to happen through the harsh winters. Now, in these early years, I used to go to these feasts and I used to bring presents and go to different villages and towns. Now I didn't know about the magical properties of the North Pole yet, but I would travel down into different places each year trying to spread cheer. And then lots of things started to happen and I wanted to really bring this warmth and happiness to lots more people at this coldest part of the year.

Father Christmas:

I ventured south, visiting the Scandinavian countries first, and these regions known for their Yule traditions, feasting and celebrations, and this became the perfect place for me to begin my mission. Now, as I traveled from village to village, I bought small gifts and joined in these local feasts, enhancing the celebrations with my ideas and my fun and lots of things that we did. The people welcomed me and each year I would return to these villages, gradually expanding and going to different villages and going further and further each year. Year my visits became a cherished tradition and slowly the figure of me, father Christmas, grew in popularity, spreading across Scandinavia and beyond. Now, during my travels traveling around to these different places and going up from the North Pole, is when I started to explore and explore wonderful places, and this is where I wanted to find different ways and better ways to spread joy. It was during one of my explorations that I discovered some of the magical properties of the north pole. This magical place I found where the north pole village now is, with its eternal winter and shimmering auroras, held the power I needed to make my mission more impactful and be able to spread this even further. This is where I also found the elves and the reindeer as well, and with the help of the elves and the reindeer and the reindeer, who were naturally attuned to the magic of the north pole, and the elves, of course, skilled in crafting and enchanting and making things, I began to build a base that would enable me to bring joy to the entire world. The reindeer, such as rudolph, with his exceptional navigation skills, and dasher with his exceptional navigation skills and Dasher with his incredible speed, became essential to my mission. The elves, including the Keymaster Yale and his assistant Ladum, played crucial roles in creating the magical keys and other enchanted items I need for this journey.

Father Christmas:

So over the following decades and centuries, I continued this work, refining the different things that I could do and expanding how I could get around an even bigger area and cover the whole world. I experimented with various ways to enhance the magic of the North Pole and deliver gifts more efficiently and to more children. Through these efforts, I developed the iconic sleigh powered by the reindeer dust drive, the RDD, and the temporal adjustment module, the TAM, enabling me to travel vast distances and deliver presents to children around the world in what seemed like one night. And over this time, all the little things, the places I visit and the reach got further. More and more people got to hear about me and find out what I did, and I became the beloved figure that I am today.

Father Christmas:

My early efforts in the Scandinavian countries laid the foundation for the worldwide celebration. By the time I fully harnessed the magic of the North Pole, I'd already established a strong tradition of joy and giving that spans centuries. There were, of course, other figures around this time as well that it was wonderful to see them spreading the joy. One of those that started in the Scandinavian countries was another figure who gained some prominence, and that was St Nicholas, and he was about in the fourth century. I was quite young then, I was about 400 and something years old, and he was a bishop known for generosity and miracle working. Generosity and miracle working. Now, his reputation for secret gift giving which was one of my early ideas, such as putting coins in shoes or those who left them out for him, made him a popular saint. His feast day was December the 6th, and that became associated with giving gifts and helping the needy. So the ideas that I started were bubbling away in different ways and it was fantastic to see me inspiring people in different ways.

Father Christmas:

The idea of Saint Nicholas spread through Europe and by the Middle Ages he was a well-established figure. In many countries. The traditions associated with Saint Nicholas began to merge with some of the ideas that I'd started to spread and those local customs, and this blending of traditions helped shape the modern image of the Christmas gift bringer. That's me. So in some places I was known as your father, some places Saint Nicholas, lots of different places, because there was all little whispered versions of me that people had seen over centuries and decades.

Father Christmas:

In the 19th century the figure of Santa Claus began to take shape, particularly in America. The name Santa Claus is derived from the Dutch Sinterklaas, which itself is a variation of St Nicholas. So all these things started to come together the modern image of santa claus and and I remember when I first saw those coca-cola adverts, um with me in the big red suit, and I love that red suit they got that very well and this came and lots of things like this started to. People started to be able to see and they really knew about what it was. And there was a beautiful thing written, one of my favorite stories. That was the night before Christmas.

Father Christmas:

And so all these things over the years, all these different names, but I was always Father Christmas at heart and that was what it was always about. It was always about spreading this cheer. In the United Kingdom they still stuck with Father Christmas and this used even to today and it's very much one of the places that still uses Father Christmas as my name and they have that real one and that's because it goes back to history of a few hundred years that they've been calling me Father Christmas. So I hope that answers your question. I probably went on a bit with that answer, but I do love that question. Have we got any more questions? Wi-fi.

Wifi the Elf:

That was great, Father Christmas. Can I call you Santa or St Nicholas or what's the other one?

Father Christmas:

No, let's just stick with Father Christmas Wi-Fi. That's good enough.

Wifi the Elf:

Okay, Father Christmas. So I do have another question. Can I ask you the next one?

Father Christmas:

Absolutely Wi-Fi. What's the next question then?

Wifi the Elf:

So the next question is from a little boy. He's from Portugal and he says how do you get into all the houses to deliver the presents?

Father Christmas:

Oh, the key question. I love this. Now. I always carry with me a very special magical key. Now you can leave a magic key out for me as well on Christmas Eve, but I always carry one just in case. Now, these keys are no ordinary keys.

Father Christmas:

Each year, the elves at the North Pole craft a special key imbuing them with a powerful but temporary magic key. Imbuing them with a powerful but temporary magic. The process of making these magical keys is a fascinating one. It all starts with the enchanted workshop of Keymaster Yale, the elf in charge of key-related magic. Yale is an elderly elf with a long white beard longer than mine and twinkling blue eyes. He has been making magical keys for me for centuries and knows every secret about them. Assisting him is Ladham, slightly younger but he has a very keen eye for detail. We've met Ladham before he's in charge of the medals. Together they oversee the creation of the extraordinary keys.

Father Christmas:

Yale and Ladham's work begin long before the keys are forged. Throughout the year they journey across the North Pole to gather very specific ingredients needed for the special enchantment. They venture to the crystal caverns to mine the finest metals, travel to the stardust plains to collect shimmering stardust and hike up to the peaks of Aurora Mountain to harvest the essence of the Northern Lights. These journeys are filled with their own challenges, but Yale and Ladham faced them with courage and determination, knowing that their work brings joy to children everywhere. Once all the raw materials had gathered, they returned to their workshop, a wondrous place filled with shimmering metal, enchanted tools and sparkling magical dust. The elves melt the metal and pour it into intricate molds, crafting the basic shape of the key.

Father Christmas:

The real magic happens when the keys are cooled and ready for the enchantment. Yale and Ladham gather round a large ancient cauldron filled with a glowing magical liquid. The liquid is made from a blend of stardust, moonbeams and the essence of the northern lights, giving it a very special ethereal glow. The elves then carefully dip the keys into the cauldron, allowing it to absorb the magical properties. The keys are then placed in a circle around the cauldron we always make some spares, you see and Yale recites an ancient incantation passed down through generations of elves. As he chants, the keys begin to glow ever so softly and the magic takes hold. This enchantment allows the keys to fit any lock, opening any door in the world. The magic also ensures that the keys only work for me and the elves that I have with me on the sleigh. Every year, new magical keys are crafted as the enchantment wears off after Christmas. This ensures that each key is fresh, with potent magic.

Father Christmas:

Now children around the world often leave a special key out for me. But what happens if a child forgets to leave out a key or if the key gets lost? Well, yell and ladam have thought of that too. There are always spare keys made, and those are kept in a special, secure vault in the workshop. I carry a few of these spares with me on my journey, just in case.

Father Christmas:

Yale's workshop also has a very special tool that I think Tim helped him with, which is called the Aurora Tag. This enchanted device can locate any magical key in the world, ensuring that if I was to drop one or lose one, that we can always find it again. The aurora tag glows and hums softly when it detects the presence of a magical key, guiding me or one of my elves to it with ease. Now, when I arrive at a home and they've left a key out for me and I do love seeing those keys what we do is we pick that key up and one of my elves takes it back to the sleigh and we give it a quick brush up, a quick polish, and sprinkle an extra little hint of magic on that key, giving it a special glow.

Father Christmas:

It often wears off by the morning, but this is where Emberley, one of the key helpers in the workshop, this is where Emberley, this is where Emberley checks each key, giving it that polish, that sprinkle of magic, ready to use again. The recycling of keys helps maintain the magical energy and, of course, reduce waste, a practice that the elves take great pride in. So don't worry if you don't have a magic key or a chimney, because I will always have one with me. But if you do leave out a magic key, then you can be sure that it's part of a long tradition of magic and craftsmanship brought to life by the skilled hands and the warm hearts of Yale, ladham and Emberley and their fellow elves.

Wifi the Elf:

Oh, thank you, father Christmas. I didn't know that. Next time I see Ladham, I'm going to have a chat with him about that. They sound really good. So I've got another question for you.

Father Christmas:

OK, Wifi. What's the next question?

Wifi the Elf:

OK, how come you have presents wrapped in the same paper as my mum? That's coming from a little boy in. Where's this one In Australia?

Father Christmas:

Ah, the mystery of the matching wrapping paper. Now you know who we have to thank for this. This all comes down to Lenny, the master wrapping elf. Now Lenny is in charge of ensuring that every gift is beautifully wrapped, and his team's attention to detail is legendary. Now, each year, as Christmas approaches, lenny and his wrapping team work tirelessly to create a stunning array of wrapping papers. They design these papers with intricate patterns, vibrant colours and just the right amount of sparkle. From traditional red and green to shimmering gold and silver, the variety is endless, ensuring that every gift looks magical under the tree. But how does it happen that sometimes the gifts that I bring you have the same wrapping paper as the ones from your mum or your dad and your other relatives? Well, this is where Lenny's special touch comes in.

Father Christmas:

Now, the North Pole team understands that Christmas is a time for creating a seamless, a magical experience for families everywhere. So Lenny and his team have a delightful tradition of checking in with parents to see if they would like me to use matching wrapping paper. Lenny's team uses a special communication system with parents called Wraps App. This enchanted system allows them to send and receive messages without being noticed. Through Wraps App, we ask parents whether they prefer the presents from me to have matching wrapping paper to keep the magic consistent, or if they'd like a different design completely, to add variety underneath the tree. If parents choose to have matching wrapping paper, lenny's team ensures that the exact same designs are used. This attention to detail makes it look fantastic that all your presents look coordinated, matching perfectly. It adds an extra layer of enchantment, I think. Now, on the other hand, if parents prefer a different design, then the elves happily oblige, selecting from their vast collection of beautiful papers to make each gift stand out.

Father Christmas:

Now, lenny himself is quite the character. He's known for his creativity and a keen eye for design. He's got a little pair of round spectacles perched on his nose and he always has a measuring tape hanging round his neck. He oversees the wrapping process with meticulous care. His workshop is a wonderland of ribbons, bows and papers, where elves work with cheerful determination to make every package perfect. One of Lenny's favourite parts of the job is creating little personalised touches for each family. For instance, he might add a little extra sparkle to the gifts for families who love glitz and glamour, or choose eco-friendly, recycled paper for families who care deeply about the environment. These personal touches show just how much thought and care goes into every single gift that the elves wrap. He also has lots of amazing techniques for special ribbons and wrapping and he's just amazing. When you see him wrap it's a wonder. So I hope that's answered that question.

Wifi the Elf:

Oh, that's great, Father Christmas. Thank you, that's really good. I didn't know that we did that. That's great. So I do have another question.

Father Christmas:

OK, why, if I let's do another? Another question OK, why, if I let's do another one then?

Wifi the Elf:

OK, so are the reindeers jealous of Rudolph.

Father Christmas:

Oh, no, no, the reindeers no, they're not jealous of Rudolph at all. In fact, each of the reindeer has a unique set of skills that make them special and vital to the success of our mission on Christmas Eve. Rudolph yes, everyone knows Rudolph with his wonderful glowing nose, and he's great at navigating through the darkness and the foggiest of skies. He also has really great eyesight, which we don't often talk about. People talk about his nose as well. This makes him a perfect leader at the front of the sleigh, guiding them safely through the weather. But how about? I tell you a bit about the other reindeers and you'll see that they're all just as special in their own way. So we all know Rudolph, we don't need to talk about him. He leads the sleigh. He's been the famous one, but everybody else is just as important. And one thing despite his fame, Rudolf is humble and always encourages his teammates, making him a beloved leader. So let's talk about Dasher Now, Dasher. True to his name, Dasher is the fastest of the reindeer, Loves the thrill of speed and is always eager to race through the sky. The dash's energy is infectious and often challenges the other reindeer to friendly races during the training sessions. Competitive with quick reflexes, perfect for navigating tight spaces and quick turns. Then there's Dancer. Graceful and elegant Dancer's add a touch of beauty to the sleigh. Graceful and elegant dancers add a touch of beauty to the sleigh. Their agility allows them to make sharp manoeuvres effortlessly, making them crucial for dodging unexpected obstacles. Dancer is also known for the love of music and rhythm, often seen prancing to the beat of Christmas carols. A joyful spirit lifts the team's morale, especially during the long flights. Next we have the Prancers. With this strong and powerful build, Prancer can handle the heaviest loads without tiring. The Prancer teams are the powerhouses ensuring the sleigh remains steady even when filled with presents. Prancers are also incredibly supportive, always ready to lend a hoof to any reindeer in need. Dependable makes them the rock of the team.

Father Christmas:

Now the vixens a bit of a magician among the reindeer, thanks to the extra magic dust on their antlers. This dust boosts the sleigh's overall magic, making flight smoother and more stable. Vixens is also known for their playful tricks and illusions, keeping the team entertained with their magical antics. Creativity, cheerfulness, makes them a joy to be around. Next is Comet, known for the exceptional team spirit. Comets are the heart of the reindeer crew. They have a knack of keeping everybody motivated and working together harmoniously. And working together harmoniously, Comet often organises team-building activities and encourages all the reindeer to chat and be friends. Positive attitude and leadership make a strong and unified team.

Father Christmas:

Then there's the cupids. With great hearing, cupid can detect the faintest sounds from miles away. This ability helps the team avoid obstacles and navigate safely. Cupid is also incredibly empathetic. Often sensing the feelings of others and offering comfort when needed. With a kind heart and a protective nature makes them the team's guardian angels. And then there's Donna. Now, Donna has a special navigation ability, almost like a kind of an echolocation that bats have.

Father Christmas:

The Donners can navigate stormy nights with precision, guiding the team through even the toughest weather conditions. Donner is also known for the deep resonance voice which he uses to call out and hum carols and keep spirits high. His strong presence and unique skills make them invaluable to the team. And last but not least, there's Blitzen. Now. Blitzen is known for leadership qualities, often taking charge when the main team needs a break. They lead the second shift of reindeer with confidence and expertise. Blitzen's strengths and endurance are legendary and they can pull the sleigh through the most challenging parts of the journey. Their ability to inspire and lead makes them a natural captain. Now every single reindeer understands their unique role and the importance of teamwork. They train together year round, with Sparkle looking after them, and share a strong sense of friendship and camaraderie. This sense of teamwork and mutual respect ensures that there's no jealousy among them, only a shared commitment to bringing joy to all the children around the world on Christmas Eve.

Wifi the Elf:

Thanks, Father Chris. I've actually got a question. You're talking about reindeer. Can I ask a question?

Father Christmas:

Of course you can Wi-Fi. What would you like to know, well?

Wifi the Elf:

what happens if one of the reindeers gets tired?

Father Christmas:

Oh, I thought you'd know this one Wi-Fi Well, this is a very interesting one, and I don't think a lot of children realise this. But what they don't realise is that we don't just rely on nine reindeer no, no, no. In fact, what we have is we have lots of reindeer. There are multiple teams of reindeer that work in shifts so they can stay fresh and full of energy throughout the very long journey. Now, each of the famous reindeer names that we've just talked about, like Dasher, dancer, prancer, vixen they actually represent different stables and different training of reindeer. Each stable trains lots of reindeer with a specific skill set to fill these specific roles. For example, dasher's stable might train the fastest reindeer, while Dancer's stable focuses on graceful and agile reindeer, each one having their own part and having lots of reindeer.

Father Christmas:

So we always have the reindeer and we can look after them and don't tire them out, because it actually takes me 24 days to deliver all of the presents, but we use a little bit of magic to make that work, and each of the reindeer is rotated every nine hours. So it takes a careful planning to ensure that no single reindeer gets too tired and they can always perform at their very, very best. This rotation happens seamlessly during the brief touchdowns at specific places all around the world. We have little outposts and they're equipped with everything we need to rest and refresh the reindeer, bringing in new reindeer and taking the others back to the North Pole.

Father Christmas:

In order to make this work, we also have some very special elves, and these are known as the geese, and they have very special sleighs, which are the emergency long distance flyers, or elves. Now, these elves are high speed, agile sleds designed to quickly reach me when I'm out delivering the presents and provide any necessary support, including swapping the tired reindeer. The geese ensure that the reindeer are well cared for and that the sleigh never misses a beat on our magical night. These elite elves are highly trained in animal care and sled mechanics, ensuring the swift transition and maintaining the reindeer's health and morale. So, as you can see, wi-fi and all you children as well, we look after the reindeer very, very well, and it's lots of reindeer that actually pull my sleigh.

Wifi the Elf:

Oh, I did think there were lots more than nine reindeer when I see them out in the field. So thanks, Father Christmas. I'm learning so much today.

Father Christmas:

That's OK, wi-fi. Now have we got time for one more question, do you think? Oh, we have.

Wifi the Elf:

It's a biggie though.

Father Christmas:

Oh really, what is it then? Come on then Wi-Fi.

Wifi the Elf:

Well, so the question is how do you get around the world in just one night?

Father Christmas:

Oh, we're finishing with the big one. Well, oh, I'll try and keep this as short as possible because it's actually it's very, very clever what we do. So I'll try and keep this as short as possible because it's actually it's very, very clever what we do. So I'll try and keep this short. But thank you for this question. So what this is is a fascinating combination of very ancient magic and advanced technology, all centered around my extraordinary sleigh.

Father Christmas:

Now, this sleigh isn't my extraordinary sleigh. Now, this sleigh isn't just any sleigh. It's a marvel of magical and elf engineering, crafted by my dedicated elves at the North Pole to perform the seemingly impossible feat of delivering presents to children all around the world in just one night. Now, at the heart of the sleigh is the reindeer dust drive, the RDD. Now, you might be wondering what exactly is reindeer dust? Well, reindeer dust is a special, is a magical substance that comes from the antlers of the reindeer. Now, as the reindeer fly, tiny particles of the dust are shed and collected by the special dust collectors around the harnesses and on the sleigh. The dust has the unique ability to bend and manipulate space-time. The sleigh's conversion reactor tastes this dust and through a series of magical and quantum mechanical processes I said it's a very impressive elf engineering converts into a powerful energy that can make us go almost as fast as light and warp space-time. Now this means the sleigh can travel incredibly fast, allowing me to zip around the world in what seems like no time at all. But speed isn't the only trick that we've got in the sleigh. The sleigh is also equipped with the Aurora Bell Resonance Emitter, the ABRE. This clever device interacts with the very atmosphere and it transforms these interactions into the sound of jingling bells, and that's what you can often hear. These aren't just any bells, but they sound like magical, festive sounds that signal my presence. The ABRE uses a finely tuned resonance chamber and harmonic modulator to produce joyful sounds, adding a layer of enchantment on my journey.

Father Christmas:

Now the next piece of very important equipment which allows me to deliver all these presents is the temporal adjustment module, the TAM. Now, the TAM is a personal device that I wear that allows me to be synchronized with the sleigh and the speed and the time that we're moving, because the sleigh moves in like a time bubble and I have to be in that bubble too. Now, what this means is that I'm still moving very, very fast. So when I deliver your presents, you won't be able to see me because I'm moving so fast, because we're moving so fast to get all these presents delivered. Now, all this science stuff that I'm telling you about top secret tech, what that actually means and this gives us a big magical twist and I think I mentioned this earlier.

Father Christmas:

While it seems like I do all of this in one night because we are doing some fancy magic with time, it actually takes me 24 days to deliver the presents to every child around the world.

Father Christmas:

And this is why children leave out food and drink for me and cookies and mince pies and glass of milk, because I'm out there for a few weeks. It's like a big camping trip a few weeks. It's like a big camping trip. Now it feels like one night to you, but it's a very long three and a bit weeks for me and the elves and that's why we have so many reindeer to do this and we have the geese to come and refill the sleigh while we're on route. It's a much longer adventure and takes a lot of work. So we do deliver the presents in one night for you, but for us it's a very long time and it's a lot of work and it takes a lot of elves and a lot of teamwork and lots of reindeer to all bring it together to create something so magical and special, and I hope you all enjoy it as much as we enjoy doing it.

Wifi the Elf:

Oh, that's amazing, Father Christmas. I know I was visiting the sleigh bay. Oh, it was a little while ago now and I actually saw the. Was it the Tam? It's amazing, and the sleigh itself is absolutely amazing.

Father Christmas:

Oh it is. It's a wonderful vehicle. We're very lucky to have it. It's a marvel. So is that all the questions now? Wi-fi.

Wifi the Elf:

Yeah, that was the last question. Thank you very, very much, Father Christmas, on behalf of all of the children that sent in the questions. Keep sending in your questions and we hope we do this again soon.

Father Christmas:

It was a lot of fun Wi-Fi. We must do it again soon. Well, thank you everybody, and remember, have a wonderful week and keep those wonderful questions coming in, and we'll get back to another story again next week. Bye-bye from now.

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